Short version:
Very interesting mix of sounds and feels going on in this piece that, overall, makes me wish each part was a whole minute longer so that it could have developed more.
Long Version:
The beginning 18 seconds of the song left me wondering what was going to happen. It could have literally gone anywhere from that grungy noise (reference to genre, not quality of the sound itself).
Upon reaching the 19 second mark where the actual melody comes in, I was left excited at the wonderful tones coming in. My wish at this point was that the transition was a little longer, leaving that original noise to play along with the piano(?) for a little bit before dieing away. When the percussion came in, i was even more excited to see where else the song would go. Unfortunately, the song basically ended right there.
This piece left me wanting more. As I said in the short version, I kind of wish the song was 3 minutes longer, so that each section could be developed a little further.